Tuesday, January 22, 2019

IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2018-19 - PCMB Today

The IBPS Clerk Main 2018 exam was successfully conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) across various centers in India on January 20, 2019. The exam started at 10.00 AM and continued till 12.40 PM.  The IBPS Clerk Main 2018-19 exam was full of surprises in terms of new question types and patterns. Here, we are providing in-depth IBPS Clerk Main 2018-19 paper analysis with section-wise, easy/moderate/difficult level and topic wise distribution of questions. Before going into the detailed analysis, let us see the exam pattern first.
IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Pattern, 2018-19
Mode of the exam: Online (Computer Based Test)
Objective Exam – MCQ type question.
Time duration – 2 hours 40 minutes (160 minutes).
Total Questions – 190.

SectionsNo of QuestionsMarks AllottedTime Allotted
Total190200160 minutes
General / Financial Awareness505035 minutes
General English404035 minutes
Reasoning Ability and Computer Knowledge506045 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude505045 minutes
So, there were four sections in the paper and the total time allotted was 2 hours and 40 minutes. Candidates were supposed to finish a particular section within the time limit given for that particular section. Once you are done with one section and the time limit for that section is over, you cannot go back to that particular section later.
Now, coming to the overall level of the paper, it can be said to be MODERATE overall and difficult as compared to the last year. Check the IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis below:General Awareness section was one of the easiest sections of the exam. Majority of the questions were from the current affairs section. The current affairs questions covered the months from July 2018 to January 2019. There were around 10-12 questions from Static Awareness, 10-12 questions from Banking (based on current affairs and news). One question was also asked from Nobel Prize 2017.The level of the English Language section was moderate to difficult. This was based on new pattern questions and multiple (single) questions on Reading Comprehension.
General English Questions Breakup:

TopicNo of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Reading Comprehension (3 passages were given)15Moderate
Word Replacement5Difficult
Word Usage5Moderate
Sentence Connectors5Moderate
Double Fillers
(Two columns A and B were given, and you had to find the suitable words)
Sentence Rearrangement5Moderate
Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude was the lengthiest section of the exam. Only this section was of a difficult level when compared with the rest in this examination. Major chunk of the questions were related to puzzles and seating arrangement based.

Reasoning Ability and Computer Question Breakup:

TopicNo of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Total50Moderate (Though a lot of questions were pretty easy, it is being given as moderate due to the fact that puzzles were not cakewalk)
Seating Arrangements and Puzzles25Moderate / Difficult (Some of the puzzles were time consuming and complicated. These covered floor-based puzzle, month-based puzzle, year based puzzle etc.)
Direction Test4Moderate
Logical Reasoning6Moderate (However, this is the most confusing of all given the subjective nature of the questions)
Machine Input-Output4Moderate
Coding and Decoding3Moderate
The Level of this section was moderate. An aspirant with good calculation speed and practice can easily score in this year’s Clerk main’s Quantitative Aptitude Section. Check out the topic-wise breakup of questions asked in this section in table below.

TopicNo of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Data Interpretation (It included 4 sets of DI with the caselet included in it.

Other than that, there were regular questions from bar graph, pie chart etc.)
20Moderate - Difficult
Data Sufficiency5Moderate
Quantity 1 and Quantity 25Moderate
Quadratic Equation5Moderate
Arithmetic Problems15Moderate
Now, coming to the number of safe attempts in this paper, it is not possible to pinpoint an exact figure. Because the final cutoff will be state-wise. It will vary a lot from one state to the other, depending on the number of candidates appeared and the total number of vacancy available in that particular state. So, for the sake of approximation, we are providing an average number of attempts that can land you the job in any state. Check it out in the table below.

SectionSafe Attempts
General / Financial Awareness32-35
Quantitative Aptitude33-37
Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude30-34
General English28-32
It is to be noted that there will be no interview for IBPS Main examination. The final selection would be based on the marks obtained by the candidates in the main examination.
The paper is over and there is nothing you can do now about the examination. So, stop speculating about the results and focus on the next examination. We hope that the above IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis will help you in preparing and making a strategy for the next IBPS Main Clerk entrance examination.
All the Best!! 

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