As you are left with last few days for exam preparation, use these days very effectively. Just keep the last 10 days for practice and solving as many question papers of each subject in exam-like environment which will build your confidence for the final exam.Know how to boost your revision
Make a realistic time-table: Try to make an actual time-table, which is possible, not some ideal that you would not be able to follow. Just keep the break time of 10-15 mins after very 1-2 hour so that you can concentrate more for the 7-8 hours study in a day. Devote 2-3 hours for each subject, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Keep the revision of important chapters/ topics at the first priority and then focus on less important chapters/topics. The best way of practice is to solve cbse sample papers for class 12 of each subject. This will improve your problem-solving skills and make your concepts very clear. Refer to MTG Score More 21 sample papers to excel in your board exams.
Find out your most effective study times: Find out your best study time, morning, afternoon or evening in which you can study most effectively and can concentrate well and memorise efficiently, do not feel lazy or sleepy or tired.
Review your timetable: Try to stick to your timetable and see how well it works. Find out the areas that you found difficult to achieve. These can be changed as you go, but do this consciously. Improvement/changes in the timetable is much better than just throwing the timetable away. Then you can be sure that you will still cover all the material you need to in your study plan. Read article on how to schedule your study plan effectively to achieve good results in boards.
Be prepared: Mention the topics/chapters of each subject in your timetable that you are going to focus and arrange and place all the study materials that you need in your study room well organised so that your precious time would not be waste while searching anything you require for your preparation.
Don’t just work hard, work smartly. All the Best!
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