Thursday, December 13, 2018

What is the best way to study NCERT biology to have all the information available in it at my fingertips?

Difficulty level of questions in CBSE class 12th Biology paper has increased as per the observations of previous years’ papers. In order to achieve a good level of preparation, you need to keep studying your Biology course on daily basis.  To complete the syllabus of NCERT Biology before the exam, you have to make a proper study schedule. Here are few tips to study NCERT Biology to have all the information available in it at your fingertips:
  • You must first understand the important topics from the entire book and segregate them into sub-sections. This can be done on the basis of weightage of marks given to each chapter or topic as per the latest CBSE Sample Papers. You may like to read MTG’s Blog on ‘the blueprint of examiners mind-biology class 12thboard exam’ for more information. Planning is the first step of success. Plan your studies! It is always wise to pick up those topics which carry high weightage, so, go for it.
  • All the topics are mandatory but if you are running out of time, then focus on those which carry high weightage. Plant Physiology and Ecology are the topics which carry heavy weightage but they take much time to prepare. Hence, start preparing for these topics as early as possible. Refer to some good Biology books which have diagram-based questions framed on diagrams and other illustrations of NCERT content. Such kind of questions are often asked in the NEET exam.
  • Among all the topics, kingdom Animalia and kingdom Plantae are a bit confusing, therefore, require more practice. Phylum Non-Chordata and the various levels of class up to Chordate also require consistent practice and revision. Hence, after studying these topics well, you have to solve problems based on these topics simultaneously. This will help you to understand the topics appropriately. You may take the help of MTG’s CBSE Champion book  as this book provides Topic-wise Graphical analysis of previous 10 years’ CBSE Board papers’ questions and gives concise & lucid theory for quick recap.
  • Solve all the examples provided in the NCERT textbook and Exemplar book.
As exams are nearing closer, it is strongly recommended that you should solve sample papers and previous years’ papers for an effective revision. For the tips to follow Do’s and Don’ts in examination hall during your boards, read ‘important things to follow in examination hall’.
I hope your query is solved. Wishing you all the best for the upcoming boards.
Good Luck!

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